lunedì 16 novembre 2009

I'm walking around my land and crying...he is in hospital after a severe surgery and what's worse, he suffers from amnesia after sepsi invaded his body.He does'nt even recognize his daughter, his old time friends( one of them mentioned Sl and he said'what is SL??')...who knows if he remembers my name?
I'm so scared...will he be back? Will he be the same? Can you teach someone to love you again?
All these questions hurt my brain,my eyes burns from tears and no sleep...Every corner brings back to my mind nice memories and more tears.

domenica 8 novembre 2009

Sunday bloody Sunday

I'm here in my beautiful house and feeling miserable...why? My lover didn't come, didn't send a message, missing from both worlds...
Is it possible to suffer in Paradise? YES.How thin is the border betwen the two worlds? Almost invisible...I love in both and I suffer in both...maybe because i love the person behind the avie.
What is your experience? Do you feel your pixel heart beating faster and bleeding? Can you separate your real one from your virtual one? I tried and failed...

why Paradise?

Paradise is my land in truly a paradise: green , tropical, palms and a blue clear I live and love, dream and share my thoughts with my friends and with i dare to call my love...
You will follow my dreams, won't you?